We are a community of women coming together to learn, travel, and fish together. We seek to explore wild places, especially those places that involve water and fly fishing. We believe that caring about our water resources requires caring for our water resources. We connect with a global industry and network of friends, while maintaining a local focus. We offer a place where women can come as they are – no matter if they are a novice or experienced angler. We encourage and challenge one another without pretense and competition; where personal connections, grace, and joy ultimately matter more.
~ Kami Swingle

Our blog series, WomenIN, looks at the broader community of women, with guest authors sharing how their lives and passions intersect.

Lise Lozelle – Maven Fly
- January 28, 2019
- kamiswingle
- Women IN
Leap Fearlessly. by Lise Lozelle “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and...

Shelley Walchak – Librarian, Writer
- September 18, 2018
- kamiswingle
- Women IN
52 Weeks, 52 Rivers by Shelley Walchak Fly-fishing a river a week, writing essays, following my passion, hoping to inspire others,...

Heidi Meares
- July 19, 2018
- kamiswingle
- Women IN
“To Everything-Turn, Turn, Turn” by Heidi Meares In 1965, folk-rock band The Byrds, lit up the music scene with some lyrics...